YPV Privacy Policy
Here are the details of how we do and do not use the information you share.
How We Use Your Information
In general, your information is used for the same purposes you shared it. To contact you regarding classes, workshops, and special information.
General Communication
If we have your email, we may send you announcements, special offers, and reminders from time to time. Hate extra mail? We do too, so we won't be spammy!
Class Information
If you are a current student or have asked to receive information regarding classes, we will keep you in the loop using your preferred method(s) of contact.
Workshop Information
If you are attending or have attended a workshop, or if you have asked to receive information regarding workshops, we will keep you in the loop using your preferred method(s) of contact.
Special Offers
From time to time we offer promotions, merchandise, advice from our educators and more. If you're on our email list, we will send it to you!
How We Do NOT Use Your Information
In general, we don't share your information with anyone else. It's private, and we respect your communication preferences.
Third Parties
Outside of a ticket master for some of our performances, no third party will need to receive or receive your contact information.
Sale of Information
We have no intent or interest in selling your information. After all, we already know our music lessons are the best! Why would we send you anywhere else?